Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Career Tips

A comprehensive guide to career prospects, universities and colleges, professional institutes, industry associations, jobs and immigration rules in Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK and USA.

This site is of particular interest to business managers, accountants, financial planners, software developers, systems analysts, engineers, doctors, nurses, lawyer, teachers, professors, chefs, catering managers, news reporters and media specialists and journalists.


This site also contains many helpful hints on choosing the right career and landing a well-paying job that is best suited to one's skills and interests.

Please click on the country of your choice in the left panel, and you will find all the relevant information for that country!

This is a medical council set up in India based on establishing identical standards of higher merits in medicine and issuing recognition qualifications to India and oversea countries. It was set up in 1934 after the Indian medical council act of 1933 was passed by the Indian parliament.

Council constitution
The council is made up of the president and vice-president, one member appointed by central government in agreement with the concerned state government, one member from each university elected by the member of the university senate, one member from all states where a state medical register is maintained and is elected from themselves, seven members who have medical qualifications and are elected amongst themselves and lastly eight members who are nominated by the central government.

# Establish rules of higher merits in medicinal fields.
# Recognition of medical merits in India and other countries.
# Registering of medical recognized doctors. The council can decide to register the doctor permanently, provisionally, issuing additional qualifications or awarding standard certificates to the doctors traveling to other countries.
# Nullifying of recognized and unrecognized medical institutions.

There are two type of these recognitions, foreign and Indian.
# Issuing of standard and good medical certificated to doctors being sent to serve in other countries.
# Inspection of medicine and medical institutions in order to keep the medical standards of that country.
# Permitting the start of, new medical institutions and colleges, courses.
# Maintaining Indian medical register. This register contains names of all individuals having any recognized medical qualifications of is registered by the Indian medical council.

Council organinsation structure
The company comprise of the president as the first on the organization structure followed by the vice-president, secretary, whole lime inspector, additional secretary, deputy secretary, assistant secretary, accounts officer, computer programmer who is responsible for maintaining and reprogramming the medical register, assistant secretary, administrative officer, personal assistant and lastly the section officer.

Medical Council of India

MCI now has started educating its people and warning them against being registered by medical firms not approved by them more so MCI has ruled out on registering any foreign medical firms in India since they believe the services being rendered to its people are quality and enough and need no external support.

MCI believe that with them you are accessed to the right medical certification and qualified medical doctors in addition to the right medical courses that there firm has approved to be offered in medical institutions which are MCI approved.

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